The UFEC leads the promotion of female participation in Catalan sport with the Conference on gender equality strategies


The Unió de Federaciones Esportives de Catalunya (UFEC) continues to be a key player in the transformation of Catalan sport with its commitment to promote gender equality. As part of the European Week of Sport, the UFEC organized the Conference “Strategies to increase female participation in sport”, an initiative linked to the Erasmus Plus GAP Women project, which puts at the center of the debate the need to break down barriers and encourage greater involvement of women in sport.

The event, organized in collaboration with the Fundació Superacció, stood out for its ability to create synergies between sports organizations and federations with the aim of pooling efforts to address a problem of great importance. Female participation in sport is still limited by structural, cultural and social obstacles, and the UFEC is positioned as an undisputed leader when it comes to giving visibility to this challenge and offering concrete solutions. Their work is fundamental to raising awareness and involving the most relevant actors in Catalan sport, from federations to clubs, so that they integrate equality policies into their structures.

During the event, UFEC presented its free online course under the GAP Women project. This resource is accessible to all sports organizations and offers a key tool for those clubs and federations that want to actively promote female participation.

During the day, the participants had the opportunity to exchange ideas, learn about good practices and participate in practical workshops. A prominent example was the presentation of the Catalan Cricket Federation, which shared its successful experience in increasing female participation in this discipline. This type of initiative, supported by the UFEC, allows Catalan sport to become a benchmark in terms of gender inclusion and equality.

The GAP Women European project, which brings together ten organizations, aims not only to increase the number of female federative licenses, but also to promote a deep cultural change in European sport. In this sense, the UFEC assumes a decisive role, promoting inclusive policies that will not only benefit women, but will contribute to the construction of a more diverse, equitable and sustainable sport in the long term.

With this Conference, the UFEC reaffirms its leadership in dissemination and action on the problem of low female participation, and continues to help Catalan sport to move towards a more inclusive model, where women have the opportunity to ‘occupy the place that corresponds to them in all sports disciplines and levels.